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Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection Answers

"I had the profound pleasure to have served our great nation for over 30 years. Now I stand to serve the great state of Florida & the people of CD-7. I will use my professional experience and skillsets to fight fraud, wasteful spending, abuse by contractors & the federal government, and dangerous radical leftist agendas."

Mike first served our country in the US Army, then in the US Army Reserves serving in a Military Intelligence Voice Intercept SCIF. He went on to earn his Bachelor’s Degree in Business then his Master’s, graduating with honors from Webster University.

After working for two major international corporations Mike was asked to work in the Defense Department. His career in the DoD spanned 33 years.

As a Senior Defense Official, Mike Johnson led teams to to cut billions in wasteful government spending and to reduce government bureaucracy. Mike earned meritorious achievement awards, agency employee of the year, and numerous other awards for service and performance before honorably retiring. 

As a conservative political activist, Mike was a crucial part of the team that successfully lobbied the Florida legislature to pass bills guaranteeing election integrity in Florida. He has also fought in District 7 as well as in Tallahassee for parental rights.

Mike is the fighter we need to stand up to radical leftist policies and wasteful spending that are threatening the values and freedoms that our great nation was founded on!

  • In his 33 years in the DoD, Mike Johnson was instrumental in cutting wasteful spending in the federal government.  Notably, Mike was drafted to work on President Reagan’s efforts to cut Government waste under David Stockman. Mike Johnson helped reduce a Federal Agency from 30,000 employees to just 15,000 in 4 years. He also lead teams to audit, analyze, reduce, cut, and reprogram or expand projects, saving BILLIONS and delivering the best products possible for our nation. If elected, he will use that same expertise to cut taxes, national debt, federal spending, and waste in the government, downsize out of control government, and return money to hard-working American taxpayers.

  • Mike has been a conservative political activist for many years, supporting America First candidates and initiatives from the local level in Central Florida on up to the national level. He was part of the original Trump team in Central Florida supporting Trump’s 2016 run. He has been a fighter in Tallahassee and in District 7, standing up for parental rights in our schools as well as being an integral part of the team that successfully lobbied for election integrity in Florida.

  • At the heart of Mike’s platform is his support for Reagan & Trump policies. He is a fiscal Conservative Reagan Republican. His top priorities include fighting for fiscal responsibility in our government, securing our border, supporting energy independence, reducing taxes and the national debt, cutting business fees and giving them fair tax breaks, and overall fighting radical democrat agendas that threaten our safety, our livelihood, our children, and our freedom and values.

Mike Johnson is personally passionate about putting a stop to out of control government spending! Too much of our hard-earned money is being sent overseas to prop up rich politicians and to fund countries that hate us and our way of life. Too much is wasted on out of control government programs. It is time to cut wasteful funding, streamline big government and reduce bureaucracy, and put AMERICANS FIRST.

I look up to Ronald Reagan because he believed in America First, he believed in freedom, and that Americans should be independent and free. He also believed in limited government and fiscal responsibility.

I am a Fiscal Conservative Reagan Republican.

Honesty, integrity, strong moral character, and a history of genuinely serving the public.

I have a strong work ethic, I don’t quit until the job is done. When there’s a job to be done, I arm myself with the necessary education and tools to see it through. I have been described by others as being honest and having unwavering integrity.

To bring actionable solutions to the floor and to the committees.

To preserve the constitution for future generations by utilizing all of the tools at our disposal as congressman and advocates.

The Kennedy Assassination, I was in 4th grade at the time.

My first job as a kid was working for the town butcher, I worked for him my freshman year of high school.

I always loved the Hardy Boy Mysteries, that was my entertainment growing up.

Don't Be Fooled Again by The Who

That despite fighting for what's good and right, we don't always win.

That at it’s core the purpose of the U.S. House of Representatives is to represent the will of the people while upholding the United States Constitution, and making no laws that infringe on that.

Not necessarily politics but yes experience in the government as it is vitally important that representatives understand American history and how congress fits in, as well as understand the parliamentary processes, roles of the agencies, and how congress interacts with the agencies.

To preserve our heritage, the constitution, our freedom, and our way of life, all the things that made our country great. The influx of illegal immigrants coming in that are used to censorship, not having arms, and not having other freedoms like we have are bringing those thought processes here. America has historically enjoyed freedom of speech, the freedom to bear arms, freedom of press, limited government, and other constitutional freedoms, that’s all being threatened now.

Yes that us in the United States Constitution

There are term limits on the presidency because bureaucracy should be limited. There should be term limits on the house and senate as well as other top levels of bureaucracy like Senior Executive Service.

There’s a statesman I want to model myself after: Thomas Jefferson.

In general a lot of people have shared with me that they vote and think that they have a representative, but once elected they never hear from their representative, after being elected they’re just not there for the regular citizen. This motivates me as it my mission is to be a representative that is truly for the people.A more specific specific story that stands out to me is of a local veteran who was having trouble and needed help at the VA. They say let’s call your congressman. They put in a call to Cory Mills, but instead of helping work towards a solution Mills just ended up making a scene and interfering with her getting the help she needed with the case.

We can compromise on the wording and give clarification, but the foundation and basic intent of the policy should be not be compromised on. For example, they want to make all vehicles electric. I would not compromise on that, that’s supply and demand. I would not compromise on our freedom to choose for ourselves.

If elected I plan to be on House Committee on Ways and Means. This is where wording for taxation bills originates; this is also where they develop the drafts and finalized bills that include appropriations (money). My goal as a congressman is to put my professional experience and skillsets to use serving on this committee, in particular scrutinizing budgets and reducing waste in the budget, as well as focusing on reducing taxes and making taxes fair.

These investigative powers were designed to create legislation to solve issues once found. Instead what we’re seeing a lot these days are endless investigations with no solutions. There are all of these agencies conducting organizations, the GSA, the GAO, and others, they put together reports that ultimately go nowhere. It’s time to streamline the agencies, cut waste, and focus on implementing solutions.

The House Committee on Ways and Means and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

There should be open transparency and full government accountability. This includes having published archives online where people can access information instead of having to do Freedom of Information Acts to request them.

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